
by Diolty Infotech for Android 9.0

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Efficient Payment Management with BankPayCard

BankPayCard is a free Android app developed by Diolty Infotech under the Business and Productivity category. It provides an efficient way to manage your payments and transactions. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily keep track of your transactions and monitor your spending.

One of the main features of BankPayCard is its ability to support multiple bank accounts, allowing you to link all your bank accounts in one place. Additionally, the app provides you with detailed information about your transactions, including the date, time, amount, and the bank account used. You can also generate detailed reports of your transactions, making it easier to monitor your spending patterns.

Overall, BankPayCard is a reliable and efficient payment management app that helps you stay on top of your finances. Its user-friendly interface and support for multiple bank accounts make it a must-have app for anyone looking for an easy and efficient way to manage their payments.