e-talons APK

by Maratkuls Kosojevs for Android 9.0

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e-talons: Unofficial App to Read Riga Public Transport Card

e-talons is an Android app developed by Maratkuls Kosojevs that allows users to read their Riga public transport card data. The app is in the early beta stage and may contain some bugs and unsupported e-talons features. It can read data from both “yellow” (Mifare Ultralight) and “blue” (Calypso) cards, but it may take up to 5 seconds to retrieve data from blue etalons cards.

To use the app, you need an Android smartphone with NFC reader. Unfortunately, e-talons does not show “Minibus” or “All transports” for blue cards, and some blue card IDs are displayed incorrectly. Additionally, some blue cards released in 2014 are not supported by the app.

If you have any feedback or notice incomplete or missing data, you can send your dump by clicking on the warning icon in the upper right corner. Overall, e-talons is a free app that can be useful for Riga public transport users who want to check their card data on their smartphone.