Eko Folders

by Deviantart for Mac OS X

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Alternative set of desktop icons

I like everything about the look of Leopard but it has to be said that the generic folders for documents, pictures and videos could be a bit more imaginative.

Eko Folders is an attempt to change this by providing 19 new icons that add a bit of color and character to the generic icons on your Mac. The icons are suitable for anyone that wants a more tailor made icon for their file contents and cover a wide area of subjects including photos, videos, documents, sketches, music, web related files and more.

There are some amongst the collection that don’t appear to fit any category such as one that carries a radioactive symbol, a star, and what looks like a “pedestrians crossing sign”. Still, you don’t have to use them all so you can choose the good ones and do away with the rest.

Eko Folders look a lot better than the generic icons in OS X and if you just want a nicer video, music or photos folder, it’s an ideal collection.