Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics

by Change Collective, Inc. for iOS 8.1.2

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A free app that will teach you how to meditate

Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics by 10% Happier is an app created for people who are looking for the practical and physical benefits of mediation without the pseudo-scientific spiritual benefits. The app gives lessons by Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg where you are taught how to meditate with the aim of reducing your stress levels.

Learn the basics for free

The Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics by 10% Happier is not 100% free. You only get the basics for free. There are a few additional extras that you may try at no cost, such as demonstrations of other types of meditation. The free course lasts for seven sessions, in which you are taught the basics of sitting still and clearing your mind. If you are willing to pay, then you may try their daily videos. The app tries to give you instructions on how to meditate with a frank and matter-of-fact attitude. The paid lessons also include guided audio meditations and it involves other life-related topics such as relationships, eating and work. The free content is more of a starter?s guide except that it doesn?t dumb down the subject because it is a fairly uncomplicated subject to begin with.

Not as practical and matter-of-fact as it seems

If you are looking for a frank and simple way to learn meditation, then Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics by 10% Happier cuts through much of the mist and gets right to the meat. However, it still has its fair share if wishy-washy content, such as lessons on mindfulness, which most thinking people are going to scoff at because mindfulness is meaningless. The practical sides of the seven free lessons are great for people who are looking to learn how to meditate without all the fluff in between, and some people may be tempted to sign up for their paid content which is released monthly and daily.