Customizable Camera Mod

by Arindel for Windows 10

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The Mod You Can Easily Use to Customize Your Camera in-Game

Customizable Camera is a mod which lets the user to easily adjust or flip between two different views, or even adjust the way the camera appears while still in view. This mod was created especially for skyrimSE by Arindel. The camera in skim is really unique, and this mod allows you to fully customize the camera while in game. This mod also adds in MCM options to control the camera such as zooming in/out. This will allow you to instantly see any particular object in a certain location while you are inside of it.

There are several other types of customizable mods for scrim which were made by others. One such example of these is the Dragon Eye Mod which changes the appearance and attributes of all dragons. Another type is the Sightseeing mod which allows the user to toggle whether or not they are looking at the map or the environment. More information on these can be found on their respective websites. A very popular type of mod is the Inventory Expander which expands inventory capacity.

This mod has been created with the use of MCM (Mind Mapping). All you have to do to start using this type of mod is to go into MCM and set the camera as the first view. Here you can simply select any object and set it up how you would like it to look when viewed from this specific angle. To switch back to normal view, you just simply set your camera view to normal. In addition to this, there are other types of customizations that can be done such as changing the color scheme, altering the skin tone, and other such options.