Fishie Fishie

by Farbs for Mac OS X

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Dive in to this fishy adventure

Fishie Fishie is a cute, colorful game that’s perfect for kids and might even keep the young at heart entertained for a while.

It’s a fish eat fish world, and in Fishie Fishie your task is to keep our little fish’s belly full by gobbling up the smaller fish on the screen. The game is controlled by the spacebar alone – the fish propels himself and you control direction. Maybe your kids will have more luck, but we actually found it pretty hard to do well!

Fishie Fishie has very few configuration options – you can basically turn the music and sounds effects on or off, but that’s about it. Children will no doubt get a kick out of it, but there’s no saying for how long. It’s fun and free though, so giving it a try will do no harm at all.

Cute graphics and frantic gameplay make Fishie Fishie a fun option.