Shouty Heads: The Crazy Rolling Shouty Game
Shouty Heads is a free action game developed by Protostar for Android devices. In this wacky game, players tap the screen to shout and see how far they can get. With a new crazy rolling shouty gameplay, Shouty Heads challenges players to become the greatest shouter in the world by going down in history and becoming legends.
The game features prizes that players can crack open from the legendary “Head Bird” and power up their heads for super abilities. Shouty Heads also features all your favorite historical heads, such as Albert Einstein, Cleopatra, Bob Marley, Abraham Lincoln, Joan of Arc, Elizabeth Taylor, and many more.
Overall, Shouty Heads is a fun and addictive game for those who enjoy action-packed games. So, warm up those vocal chords and get shouting. It’s time for heads to roll!