Post Trauma Demo

by robertoserrag for Windows 10

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This station has secrets for you

Post Trauma Demo is a free action video game wherein you must find a way to escape a strange and dangerous place. Developed by robertoserrag or RobertoSerraG, this 3D indie single-player survival horror game features psychological horror elements and puzzle-solving gameplay mechanics. 

Similar to Find Yourself, Post Trauma Demo drops you off straight into a creepy subway station. Unlike other games, however, it’s recommended that you use a notepad or another program to keep track of clues here. As mentioned in the title, this is the demo version of the game.

Keep your wits about you

In Post Trauma Demo, you play as Roman, an old man who suddenly woke up inside an abandoned train and subway station. Your goal is to find the exit and you must solve numerous puzzles in order to progress to the next area. Be careful as there are strange monsters around, too. You can either avoid or kill them—but be warned that some might not actually be hostile.

Like in the first few Resident Evil games, this game plays out primarily in a third person point-of-view with a fixed camera angle for each room—although some sections will switch to first person POV. You’ll mostly have to explore each area to look for clues pertaining to the puzzles you find. These can either be interactive items that light up with an eye icon or simply graffiti on the walls.

Atmosphere-wise, it really captures the creepy horror aspect from franchises like Resident Evil and Silent Hill—especially since your view is limited by the camera angles. However, the main thing that can get tedious here is remembering the clues you find. This is because the game has no journal system so you must manually write notes about the things you find to avoid backtracking.

Could use some more features

All in all, Post Trauma Demo is a good psychological horror game demo to try out if you’re nostalgic for old-school horror gameplay. While it can be annoying to have to manually jot down anything of note, the gameplay controls, visuals, and atmosphere are quite spot-on. However, you should expect that some of these might not make it into the final version of the game, as warned by the developer.