Make NEARLY Anyone Your Follower or Marriagable Mod

by Binmaru for Windows 10

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A Marriage Mod That Makes Any follower Your Followers’ Mother

I recently discovered a small mod that enables you to make ANY follower your own. You can marry them, have children with them, and basically have them follow you around the entire game. This mod is actually created for Elder Scroll games, but it will work with any game that has been developed using the vanilla engine. This makes it extremely powerful, because now you can have ANY follower YOU want as your follower. They will walk around with you while you go about your business, and they will also follow you around and do things for you when you have certain quests lined up.

This is made for those who love playing as a follower, but don’t like the idea of being forced into marriage or having kids take care of them. Not only do you get to keep your original follower, but you get to keep their spouse as well. The only drawback to this is that their spouse can’t be hurt or killed, but you will have to finish the game as a follower, which I find boring. Other than that, this is one of the best marriage mods out there.

If you are looking for a very unique marriage mod, then this is it. It’s a small but powerful mod that enables you to make anyone your follower or even marriagable. I use this every day and can’t imagine playing any game without it. It makes the game so much more fun!