Star Wars Battlefront II: Remastered Mod

by [GT]Anakin for Windows 10

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Upgrade mod for Star Wars Battlefront II

Star Wars Battlefront II: Remastered Mod is a game utility software for the old Star Wars Battlefront II game. This app works to upgrade the look of the action shooter video game. It comes with display fixes, so the game does not look pixelated on the widescreen display. It does all this without losing the integrity of the vanilla gameplay. It also preserves the game’s online compatibility. This mod, however, does not actually change the resolution of the game. 

What the mod offers

Star Wars Battlefront II is the fourth major installment from the Star Wars: Battlefront series. This game—which offers both single-player and multiplayer campaign—includes content from all the three trilogies and has three times as much content as the original titles. However, the game garnered a few criticisms. For one, while the gameplay itself already supported higher resolutions, the menu interface did not. As a result, the game looks pixelated and stretched. Furthermore, there is a very limited amount of supported eras since it cannot display more than five at once. 

Star Wars Battlefront II: Remastered Mod is an upgrade for Star Wars Battlefront II. It contains fixes for the stretched and pixelated content on widescreen displays. It also provides additional support for more eras and game mods. On top of that, it comes with sound fixes and AI hero support for all eras maps and mods that do not support it. 

As mentioned, the remastered mod does not actually change the resolution of the game.  What you can do is force the interface resolution through a launch parameter, but doing so messes up the interface. Here enters the mod, as it cleans up the mess. The remaster mod comes with a setting that allows you to enable and disable the upgrades. With this, you can have the option to play the original game or the remastered one. 

Classic game with a modern look

Star Wars Battlefront II: Remastered Mod is a great mod to try if you want to enjoy the most popular Star Wars game in modern resolutions. The program offers fixes to the game interface, so you can play galactic conquest on full HD even in widescreen. You can also profit from more supported eras and game mods while playing instant action. There are a few bugs here and there, but overall, the mod performs well.