Color Confusion APK

by PrateekSharma for Android 9.0

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Color Confusion: A Brain-Training Puzzle Game

Color Confusion is an Android puzzle game designed to strengthen neural connections in the right brain. The game uses both left brain signals (word) and right brain signals (colors) and rewards the user for choosing the color signal. The objective of the game is to click on the color of the word displayed, not the color the word says. The game has a time limit of one second per click, making quick response a necessary skill to master.

At first, the game can be confusing and puzzling, but with time, the user will inherit the muscle memory required to succeed. The benefits of training the right brain include creativity, intuition, symbolism, better imagination, focus in the present moment, better control over feelings, and spatial perception. Color Confusion is a free game developed by PrateekSharma and is categorized as a puzzle game.