Resident Evil 5 GE Ultimate Trainer Mod

by Raz0r and Dante for Windows 10

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Resident Evil 5 GE Ultimate Trainer – An Honest Review

The new Resident Evil 5 game is out now in the market and has been receiving good reviews from both fans of the game and hardcore gamers. I believe that its one of the best game mods that has been created by anyone, and I think that its something that will stay in the game for a long time to come. I will tell you why after I get through the review on it.

The reason why I love this game so much is because it comes with two new characters, one being the boss of the game, the Count, and another being the heroine, Alice. They are both introduced very early into the game, and you get to see just how good they are as players, and how much you can rely upon them as you continue playing. After the introduction of the two characters, I will check out some of the cool game mods that have been created for this game.

These mods fix some annoying bugs and also make it so that you do not die so easily when you have to reload a save point during a mission or level. For example, if you are doing something really important and save during that part but die just a few seconds later, the game will think that you have died and will load a save point for the next time you have to complete a mission or go on a mission. These sorts of fixes and bug fixes, and the ones that are still being worked on, make the game better than before, and I am sure that there are more on the way, as this game gets closer to it’s release.