(BROKEN) Halo Reach – Ultimate Forge World Mod

by RejectedShotgun for Windows 10

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A free app for Windows, by RejectedShotgun.

This is the mod that brings everything you’ve ever wanted from Halo into one single place. This is the ultimate mod for the most interesting things you can do in a Custom Game.


Added a number of new weapons including the Scarab Gun, which has never been seen in a Custom Game before.Scarab Gun: Genuine Scarab Projectile, Modified Visuals for Accuracy, and Damage Values Toned Down for Accuracy.Missile Launcher: Custom Weapon, Customized Model, and Designed to Fit Halo’s Sandbox are all available.


The longsword is now included with a number of new vehicles.The Space Phantom has now been added to the vehicles.The vehicles have a new appearance and the vehicle models have been modified to look more realistic.The vehicles can now fly.The vehicles can now drive in a completely new and different way.