BVFE – Better Vampire Fangs and Eyes Mod

by Aipex8 for Windows 10

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Vampire gamers unite! – BVFE Review

BVFE – Better Vampire Fangs and Eyes are a vampire overhaul mod for The Chronicles of Spellborn, one of the most popular and successful mods in the history of The Elder Scrolls Online. BVFE improves upon the vanilla experience and removes some of the content that many people detest, such as soul trap healing. It also adds in several new characters, quests, items, and creature breeds. One of the best features is that BVFE provides an incredibly large selection of custom made spells, which can be used to turn other players or enemies into vampires. Because this is not like any other game mode, BVFE allows for much more flexible play, since you are essentially playing a different character with different skills and attributes. This is one of the best aspects of BVFE; you can really get creative with it and figure out strategies that the game’s mechanics as well as your own do not allow for.

A major feature of BVFE that sets it apart from the competition is the mod’s night vision feature; players can now use sunlight and natural light to their advantage. If you were relying on enchanted weapons or armor or powerful creatures to deal damage during combat, you will notice a significant increase in effectiveness when using sunlight and its visual effects. If you play the game much at all, you know how frustrating it can be when you’re looking for a particular item, or simply want to level up, but cannot because there are no useful items within a reasonable proximity. With BVFE, you no longer need to go far to find what you need; items will appear on your screen with just a few steps. For example, if you’re looking to get more soul points, you should look in the southern part of the city – just before the gate.

Like all of the better vampire games, BVFE does not make a great deal of changes, but the improvements made are substantial and noticeable. Combat is still tedious and time-consuming, but this time around you have an opportunity to take on another vampire, allowing you to really hone your skills. As I mentioned before, this game is more of a game that teaches the player about the vampire aspect of the undead. By making the game more difficult, you become more knowledgeable about the subtleties of being a vampire.