CARROT Weather: Talking Forecast Robot

by Grailr LLC for iOS 12.1.2

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The liveliest weather forecaster

If you think that weather forecasts are boring, you definitely would be thinking otherwise once you have tried CARROT Weather. This weather app is all about entertainment! Unlike the others that you have used before, CARROT Weather gives each weather a personality that is accompanied by fun animation, dialogues, and characters! Do not be fooled, though, because the app is actually pretty accurate when it comes to its forecasts and predictions. It truly offers a unique way of keeping you updated about the weather. 

Fun predictions

Do not be surprised if you find yourself looking forward to checking the weather every day or every hour. The animation that accompanies each forecast is truly fascinating, after all! Not to mention that it also goes out of its way to appear comical. Still, what’s really important is that CARROT Weather can provide accurate predictions and can also tell you other details besides having sunny or rainy weather. It can give you information on the temperature, wind speed, humidity, visibility, moon phases, sunrise and sunset, and even how much it is going to snow. The app can give you these details no matter where you are located. In fact, there are also secret places that you can unlock. How you are going to do that is up to you to discover once you start using CARROT Weather.

When it comes to the app’s main features, you can adjust them according to your preferences. For instance, you can either use Fahrenheit or Celsius to tell the temperature, as well as set the frequency of the updates that you would like to receive. Going back to its fun side, there are many weather themes that you can choose from and you can also expect more than 100 animated scenes.