Penguin Palooza

by Polarbit for iOS 5.0

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Wintry, physics-based puzzle game with penguins

Penguin Palooza is a physics-based puzzle game in which you must help the hapless penguins cross the icy waters without them plummeting to their doom.

Not being able to fly, these birds need your help to cross the gaps and in Penguin Palooza you do this by drawing springboards for them to bounce on. Simply drag your finger underneath a penguin once it drops down and it will jump off of the springboard you draw. You must be careful to angle your springboard right to bounce the penguin to the path on the other side.

Playing Penguin Palooza is really enjoyable as you find yourself frantically swishing your finger across the screen to save the poor birds from an icy drop. It’s one of those games that’s easy to pick up and play but hard to put down.

The graphics in Penguin Palooza are a delight. The characters are fun, animation and physics are well implemented and the soundtrack is very catchy. On the downside, there’s very little variation in terms of the backgrounds in the game (or indeed the music), so it feels quite repetitive.

Penguin Palooza features two game modes. There’s Palooza, which is an endless mode where penguins keep dropping and you have to see how many you can save. There’s also a Challenge mode in Penguin Palooza, where you need to complete certain objectives such as eating fish, getting penguins to the other side, or just stopping any of them fall in within a given time.

Unfortunately, the Challenge mode in Penguin Palooza doesn’t have much life to it. There are only 40 levels at present, which is far less than other similar physics-driven casual games such as Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, or Where’s my Water?. Penguin Palooza never really gets very difficult, so it won’t take you long to complete all these missions.

However, with the endless Palooza mode, and Game Center support, there’s still plenty in Penguin Palooza.

Palooza Penguin doesn’t really break any new ground in casual gaming, but nevertheless, it’s a fun way to pass the time on those long winter nights.

Minor bugfixes and tweaks


  • Minor bugfixes and tweaks