Easy Anatomy

by Anvar Basharov for Android 13.0

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Easy Anatomy: A Comprehensive Anatomy Atlas and Medical Terminology App

Easy Anatomy is a free Android app designed for those who are learning anatomy. It is a complete anatomy atlas and medical terminology app that offers a wide range of educational tools for efficient learning. The app contains all the systems of human anatomy, including Osteology, Arthrology, Myology, Digestive system, Respiratory system, Genitourinary system, Cardiovascular system, Central nervous system, and Peripheral nervous system.

The app offers highly-efficient educational tools to facilitate your progress and make it steady and robust. These include a Skeleton 3D anatomy atlas with over 10,000 flashcards for quick and effective memorization, medical short articles to prepare for anatomy lessons, medical terminology with examples of correct pronunciation in Latin, text-based quizzes for learning anatomy in a playful manner, videos to increase the efficiency of your studying, and tests with an option to randomize questions and select the number of questions to include in a test session.

Easy Anatomy is continuously expanding its base of videos and articles to help you learn even more quickly. Additionally, in a self-study mode, for each flashcard, you can enable an option to view correct answers so that you can learn more efficiently.

Overall, Easy Anatomy is an innovative and comprehensive app that provides an excellent platform for learning human anatomy and medical terminology.