Zim’s Immersive Artifacts Mod

by zim for Windows 10

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Enhance legendary weapons and more in the world of Skyrim

Zim’s Immersive Artifacts is a free mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that impacts certain items throughout the game. It mainly aims to enhance the immersive experience. Unlike other cosmetic mods, such as Skyrim Flora Overhaul Mod, this add-on also impacts the gameplay.

Like most fan-made mods, Zim’s Immersive Artifacts was founded upon certain complaints about the original game. This mod deals with objects that Skyrim’s storyline presents as legendary artifacts that are insufficient and not powerful enough to claim such a status. It fixes the problem by making these items more powerful and legendary.

Alters gameplay but not the story

The concept behind Zim’s Immersive Artifacts is based upon striking an ideal balance: the mod makes certain items more powerful to boost the credibility of the game’s storyline, but not so much that it breaks the gameplay. The software is divided into separate modules so that you can fine-tune the mod, allowing you to choose which weapons to enhance.

Five independent modules

The complete software kit contains five smaller module packs: Ancient, Daedric, Miraak, Nightingale, and Thane. Besides enhanced gameplay, the mod also features cosmetic customizations. That means you can even alter some textures and meshes to suit your taste.

A lore-friendly mod

Heavy emphasis is placed on the fact that Zim’s Immersive Artifacts is “lore-friendly.” In other words, it remains faithful to the original storyline and settings. As a result, it does not introduce outrageous cheats or other mode enhancements, such as unlimited charges. Instead, it just aims to correct some perceived inconsistencies between the game and its storyline.

For serious Skyrimmers

Zim’s Immersive Artifacts targets players who take the storyline and settings of Skyrim very seriously. The mod aims to prevent the disappointment of acquiring hyped-up artifacts that are much weaker than the story implies.