Stock Investment Guide

by Churr for Windows Vista

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Analyse stocks using methods used by stock clubs

Stock Investment Guide (SIG) lets you obtain information for any stock quote and analyze its performance over a period of time. The analysis tab will give you forecast and calculate estimates for expected prices and buy/sell risks. SIG does this automatically, using the data you imported from Internet.

SIG provides three graphs to read your stock info: performance, growth and data. You can adjust and scale graphs and move factors up or down. Disappointingly though, you’ll have to make with the factors at hand, as there is no way of adding new ones to your graph. We found it very easy to generate and print reports like company performance or stock summary.

Even though we came upon a few glitches in the app and the application was prone to crashing, especially when adjusting graphs, SIG is a good tool to preview in seconds quote information, analysis and forecasts.

The Stock Investment Guide (SIG)™ is a powerful tool for performing comprehensive fundamental stock analysis of publicly traded companies. The Stock Investment Guide provides users with easy-to-use tools to use historical stock data to analyze historical growth trends, project earnings, and sales, and determine Buy, Hold, and Sell prices.

SIG uses a proven method of analyzing stocks, a method successfully used by stock clubs worldwide.

Using SIG is really easy. Our software integrates fully with the National Association of Investors Corporation (NAIC) online stock data. Users may also download stock data files from If you aren’t a NAIC or Stock Central member (both are subscription services), you can also use SIG to grab free stock data from the internet. Please try the demo to see the differences in the data sources.*

SIG works with the internet in unique ways, using exclusive features to understand the quality of potential investments. Users can view historical price graphs, research company news, research competitors, view SEC filings, get earnings estimates, and research technical analyses on the internet.