Mind Games – for smart people

by Ibrahim Tornado for Android 13.0

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Challenge your Brain with Mind Games – for smart people

Mind Games – for smart people is a free puzzle game developed by Ibrahim Tornado for Android 9.0. The game consists of various riddles that require the player to focus and think smart to solve them.

The game features three in-game challenges that players can undertake. The Level Challenge asks players to exceed the largest possible number of levels, while the Quiz Challenge requires players to correctly answer the largest possible number of questions. The Math Challenge requires players to understand the puzzle inside each mathematical problem in the level to know the answer to the mathematics puzzle. If the challenge becomes too difficult, players can use the hint inside each level.

The game also features an amusing and beautiful riddle collection, a player profile with statistics for each challenge, and entertainment and thinking games. Mind Games – for smart people is compatible with most devices and allows for an unlimited number of attempts and questions. A new challenge is coming soon in the upcoming updates!