Killer Sudoku by – Free Logic Puzzles APK

by Easybrain for Android 13.0

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Killer Sudoku by – Free Logic Puzzles

Killer Sudoku is a free puzzle game designed for Android by Easybrain, the developer of the world’s most downloaded classic Sudoku puzzle. This game is a perfect blend of Sudoku and Kakuro, where your goal is to fill the grid with numbers 1-9, while making sure the sum of numbers in the cages is equal to the number in the upper left corner of that cage. The game comes with several difficulty levels, including easy, medium, hard, and expert Killer Sudoku, making it accessible for players of all skill levels. Killer Sudoku features daily challenges, seasonal events, auto-check, notes, hints, statistics, unlimited undo, color themes, auto-save, and eraser. Killer Sudoku is a great way to train your brain and have fun at the same time. Install Killer Sudoku now for free and become a Killer Sudoku master in no time!