Snow Fortress

by Mythical City Games for Windows 8.1

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A Winter Wonderland… Except For All The Fighting.

Snow Fortress is a VR action game where you create a snow fort of your own and use slingshots and snowballs to defend it from a snowman and destroy his fort. It is an almost symmetrical multiplayer experience where you can play together with or against friends.

Dodging Snowballs In The Same Weather, Always

Playing Snow Fortress is visceral in a way many VR titles can’t emulate: it provides a type of gameplay where you need to lie on the ground to take cover, crawl around to get good shots, and stand up and move fast to get a better shot at the snowman’s own fort. The gameplay mechanics are simple, though there are unfortunately not that many ways to customize them, even in multiplayer.

A Game For The Snowman In You

Overall, Snow Fortress is worth playing if you have friends or family who are interested in it, or if you just want an action-oriented VR game. Both adults and children can enjoy the game, and its touch controls are very intuitive. Although it’s not exactly feature-rich, it offers a lot of entertainment given its simple concept and execution, and its graphics aren’t half bad, either.