Crayon Cannon

by Cat Studio Inc for Android 2.1

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Physics puzzler with a hand-drawn feel

Crayon Cannon is a simple-on-the-surface physics puzzle game that requires skill.

From first look, Crayon Cannon appears as a casual puzzle game, but beyond the simple visuals lies a challenging physics based game. The purpose of Crayon Cannon is to launch crayon-drawn characters at a red ball in the level. The difficulty is in the gameplay.

Crayon Cannon require players to position the cannon at different angles and shoot the crayon men at the red ball. There is no guide for strength, but is determined by how far the screen is touched from the cannon. So weaker shots are placed by tapping the touch screen close to the cannon and stronger shots are fired when contact is made from farther away.

While the first few puzzles help to familiarize players with the controls, Crayon Cannon begins to add more hazards. The difficulty of Crayon Cannon slowly increases with each level. Adding challenges that use the physics of Crayon Cannon, precise timing and strategy becomes necessary.

The physics in Crayon Cannon is the biggest strength. It is not entirely realistic, allowing for crayon men to float around the level a small amount, but reacts perfectly when they hit objects in the level. Some of the later puzzles require the use of the physics in conjunction with objects in the environment to solve the level.

Crayon Cannon is a great puzzle game. It has the right amount difficulty curve and sometimes it is just fun to shoot multitudes of crayon men around the level.

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