Escape From Desolo APK

by Uniteam Training for Android 9.0

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Escape From Desolo: A Serious Game for Seafarers

“Escape from Desolo” is an exciting adventure game designed for seafarers by UNITEAM TRAINING. The game is based on the story of a young cadet who has just arrived in the port of Hamburg on a small containership named “Desolo”. The cadet has been given shore leave for 24 hours by the captain of the ship and must navigate through various puzzles to reach his girlfriend, Eve, waiting for him at the quayside.

The game is designed to provide seafarers with an immersive experience of the shipboard environment, featuring confined spaces, PPE, shipboard procedures, MARPOL, working at height, electrical safety, incident reporting, drug & alcohol policies, proper response to drills and alarms, and more. The game is not only entertaining but also educational, providing players with a unique opportunity to learn about the procedures and policies they need to follow while working on a ship.

Overall, “Escape from Desolo” is a serious game that offers an engaging way to learn about shipboard procedures and policies. The game is free to download on Android and is a must-try for all seafarers looking to enhance their knowledge and skills.