Watermelon Archery Shooter APK

by Bajake Studios for Android 9.0

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How to Play Watermelon Shooting Game

When you first play, you will be facing this big red world that is filled with so many watermelons. You will be given a task to try to shoot all of the fruits in the target. Each time you do, you will be given a new target that will appear. It will appear in different positions, and you will need to aim and shoot before the targets disappear. When you hit your target, you will get a score. Try to score as high as possible.


You will be given a score for each time that you hit your target. It will start at zero, and you will get a new score after you shoot your targets. The higher your score, the more fruit you will get.


You will be given a new task to shoot the target. You will be given a new target. Each time that you do, you will get a new score. You will get more points for each shot.