DC Legends

by Warner Bros. International Enterprises for iOS 8.1.2

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Free Game for Comic Lovers

Fans of DC Comics can play a fun packed and totally free game by downloading DC Legends. With its detailed and colourful graphics this game really explodes off the screen and a large number of popular DC characters are represented including Batman Superman Bane Wonder Woman and Green Arrow.

Take on the Role of Your Favourite Superheroes

The dialogue that is supplied with the game adds a lot too it and makes this much more than simply fighting bad guys and trying to win the day. DC Legends gives gamers the chance to team up with other players and take on the forces of evil to win the day and taking part in team battles can be a lot of fun. However the game currently lacks additional features that would help to enhance the scope and make it longer lasting.

Are You are True Hero?

Anyone who is a fan of DC Comics is sure to have a lot of fun playing DC Legends. A whole host of characters have been realistically created and gamers can take on the role of various different characters. Although this game is rather basic at the moment there are plans to expand it in the future and for now the excellent graphics are enough to keep gamers interested.