A thrilling RPG based on the animated series
Steven Universe: Save the Light is an action game from Grumpyface Studios, which is based on the popular cartoon of the same name. Players take on the role of the titular character, Steven, as well as the Crystal Gems, as they work to reclaim a powerful weapon from an all-new character and save the world.
In this unique RPG, players will be faced with turn-based and real-time combat, as well as a large explorable world, much like what you would find in Rome: Total War. Steven Universe: Save the Light also allows you to customize your party however you’d like.
Team up with the Crystal Gems
With seven of your favorite characters from the hit show, Steven Universe, fans can look forward to an exciting new adventure that still follows canon events. In Steven Universe: Save the Light, players can look forward to bright and fun 2D graphics that fit the show’s aesthetic to a T, while still showcasing a more unique art style that’s reminiscent of your classic arcade games.
In addition to the thrilling combat mechanics, you can also look forward to solving mind-boggling puzzles that are scattered throughout the in-game world. You can visit a number of stunning locations, including ancient Gem locations found in the original series. These vast environments also allow you to interact with a variety of elements, as well, so keep an eye out for anything that could aid you in your quest.
However, players can frequently run into a number of bugs that can greatly affect gameplay. Not only does the game freeze quite frequently, but it also crashes at unexpected moments, as well. In addition to this, the game camera tends to get clipped at awkward angles, especially while exploring, which forces you to manually readjust the angle every time this issue occurs.
Great but needs polishing
All in all, Steven Universe: Save the Light proves to be an interesting game jampacked with exciting battles, a stunning in-game world, and an exciting plot that fans of the animated series can look forward to. However, with numerous bugs present, it can become quite difficult to play the game for extended periods and ultimately becomes much more frustrating to deal with over time, as well.