iOS 12 – Icon Pack

by Global World Apps for Android 9.0

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iOS 12 – Icon Pack for android from Global World Apps

iOS 12 – Icon Pack

This App is a resource for people that want to personalize their home screens. We allow you to change your iOS Icons in a new, stylish, and creative way. This is the best App to do it, and it’s only for iOS 1. It will work on iPhone, iPad, iPod, and iPod touch.

Download it now and don’t forget to rate it.

You can also get these icons in PNG format.


The icons are designed for use as Wallpaper and theming only. Use as a resource for yourself only and don’t re-upload them.


Axe-icons created by the awesome team at Axe Icons & Fonts, all icons licensed by CC-BY 3. You can find a list of credits in the file.