TN Rural Daily water supply

by National Informatics Centre. for Android 13.0

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TN Rural Daily water supply

TN Rural Daily water supply is an Android application developed by the National Informatics Centre for the Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department of the Government of Tamil Nadu. This app is designed to capture and monitor the daily water supply to habitations in rural areas.

The app provides user names and passwords to Village Panchayat Secretaries, who are responsible for entering water source details, such as OHT, Well, River, GLR, etc. They can also input the location of the source and upload photographs of the source in their respective villages. Additionally, the app is distributed to Self Help Group (SHG) members from each habitation under a Village Panchayat.

Once registered, SHG members can upload the time of the water supply and the source name daily. Registration approval is given at the block level. The app operates only in online mode and generates various reports at the block, district, and state levels for monitoring water supply details to habitations in Tamil Nadu.