English – Arabic Translator

by Languages Translator for Android 13.0

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English – Arabic Translator: The Ideal Companion for Learning Arabic

English – Arabic Translator is an Android app designed to make learning Arabic and communicating in an Arabic speaking country easier. Developed by Languages Translator, this free app falls under the Education & Reference category and specifically the Books subcategory.

With English – Arabic Translator, users can translate any English or any other language word/sentence to Arabic and share it via SMS, Whatsapp, Viber, or any other messaging platform. The app also allows users to copy/paste the translated text and easily clear typed text.

Ideal for students, tourists, or linguists, this app simplifies communication in Arabic speaking countries and aids in learning the language. The app’s interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it accessible to anyone who wants to learn or communicate in Arabic.

Overall, English – Arabic Translator is a must-have app for anyone interested in learning Arabic or visiting an Arabic speaking country.