Dark Theme v3

by Marco De la Cruz for Windows Vista

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Browse better at night

Dark Theme v3 is a free extension for the Google Chrome web browser that lets users turn on a dark theme for their browser skin. Dark Theme v3 lets users more easily browse at night time or when light it low and prevents the overbearing glow of a white screen from impeding usage. This is particularly useful while browsing right before bed, ensuring that the bright screen doesn’t affect sleep and keep users awake at night.

Minimize the brightness of your browser

For many, using a desktop or laptop computer at night or after work is the only time they have access to their personal computer. When the light outside begins to fade or inside light are turned off, it can become increasingly difficult to view the screen, as the white balance overtakes and caused discomfort when staring at the screen for long periods of time. Even when the brightness is turned down, white pages can be problematic. With the Dark Theme v3, however, the contrast is changed in a way that makes viewing webpages and browsing with Chrome much easier on the eyes.

Personalized browsing

Where typical webpages are white, Dark Theme v3 makes them black or grey and the resulting visual is one that is best used in the dark, eve without adjust screen brightness. This function can be turned on and off at will or set to switch at a specific time. In this way, Dark Theme always ensures users are browsing the most comfortable way possible.