تعديل و كتابة على الصور APK

by Venox for Android 9.0

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تعديل و كتابة على الصور: A Professional Photo Editor

تعديل و كتابة على الصور is a free Android application developed by Venox, designed for photo editing and writing. With this application, you can easily edit your photos and add professional-looking text and stickers. You can also use the app to add fantastic backgrounds to your photos, making them look even more amazing.

The application allows you to choose photos from your phone’s gallery or take a new picture using your phone’s camera. You can then add text and stickers to your photos, and even add a cool black background to your text to create a professional-looking image. Once you are done editing your photo, you can easily share it on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.