A free and reliable modeling software
StarUML is an open-source modeling software that supports the Unified Modeling Language (UML) framework. It provides several types of diagrams and lets users generate code in multiple languages. With its help, developers can create designs, concepts, and coded solutions. However, users should note that this isn’t a simple program and is aimed at expert developers.
StarUML free download is designed to help users get an overview of their solution before its completion. The tool also supports complex modeling through Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and third-party plugins. While it may not be suitable for beginners, StarUML stands out amongst its competitors like ArgoUML, CASE Studio, and Rationale.
What is StarUML used for?
StarUML is more than just a diagram modeling tool. It supports MDA, short for Model Driven Architecture, which makes complex coding possible. Aimed at experts who use UML extensively, the program provides code generators, supports plugins, and offers an overview of the model before completion. Furthermore, the application lets users create several different diagrams and in a range of formats.
Does StarUML have a simple interface?
StarUML has an intuitive interface that can be switched between two views – model and diagram. The top right corner of the screen consists of a window that lets users navigate through the contents of the project they’re working on. Since the application creates tabs, users can open multiple diagrams in one go. Switching between tabs is also quite effortless.
The bottom right corner of the window allows users to leave notes and documents about the diagram. They can do this by adding text or attaching an external file. While users create a diagram, they’re able to access ‘wizards’ containing quick shortcuts to help you with your current project. In case you wish to access all operations, all you need to do is right-click on the mouse.
How do you use StarUML?
Before you start a project on StarUML, it asks you to choose the type of approach you’d prefer. These include Kruchten, Rational, UML, and default. Users can also choose an empty page to start working on. While a project is stored in a single file, developers can divide it into several units and manage them simultaneously. This feature is quite useful and lets several developers work on a single project together.
When you start using StarUML for different projects, you’ll notice that it makes a clear distinction between diagrams, views, and models. In StarUML, a Diagram contains several elements that represent the design iteration. Models contain information of the software design, and Views provides a visual display of the information contained within the models.
What are the features of StarUML?
StarUML features several frameworks that can be used to create different models and diagrams. As an open-source software, it also lets users expand its functions with third-party plugins. It provides users with extensive editing and coding options, along with an option to create personalized frameworks and approaches. It can also be integrated with any external tool of your preference.
When it comes to diagrams, StarUML supports multiple types:
- Class Diagram
- Use Case Diagram
- Collaboration Diagram
- Sequence Diagram
- Statechart Diagram
- Activity Diagram
- Deployment Diagram
- Component Diagram
- Composite Diagram
- Communication Diagram
The app also has a verification feature for models and supports a pattern approach. It lets users create and maintain custom templates and apply them in different ways to the same UML model.
StarUML supports generating automatic code and lets users reverse engineer for C++, C#, and Java. Users who wish to export diagrams can do so using a range of different formats, such as JPG, WMF, and BMP, among others. It also lets users generate a range of artifacts, including text-based, PowerPoint, Excel, and Word.
Does StarUML offer any advanced functions?
One of the best parts about downloading StarUML is that it lets developers add several items to the diagram modeling tool. These items include packages, classes, subsystems, interfaces, component instances, and more. Furthermore, all elements available in StarUML download can be edited in great detail and inspected under the Model Explorer tab.
StarUML also provides users with editors that can help change values, collections, and constraints specific to every single element of the model or diagram. Since the app’s functionalities can be extended using third-party tools, users can easily find a variety of plugins for several programming languages. With source code reverse engineering function and a code generator, StarUML is quite popular amongst developers.
Does StarUML offer any support?
StarUML provides users with detailed documentation for all diagram modeling functions. In addition to this, the application includes sample projects that contain the model of StarUML. The documentation is available in multiple languages, including English, Japanese, Russian, and Korean. With its help, you can get insights into all the concepts of the tool.
What are the drawbacks of StarUML?
One of the primary drawbacks of StarUML is that the tool isn’t suitable for beginners. Users who have experience working with UML models can enjoy all the functions available within the app. Furthermore, the application hasn’t had recent releases and only features tried-and-tested UML concepts.
Should I download StarUML?
If you’re looking for a free and open-source modeling software, download StarUML. It provides users with the ability to create software designs – beginning from the concept to the coded result. However, users should note that the free UML modeling tool is aimed at experts and isn’t suitable for beginners. It features Model Driven Architecture (MDA) that allows users to create complex models. StarUML modeling software acts as an alternative to expensive programs and offers plugin support as well. It lets users quickly switch between different models and diagrams and get an overview of the solution before completing the code.
StarUML is an open source project to develop fast, flexible, extensible, featureful, and freely-available UML/MDA platform running on the Win32 platform.
The goal of the StarUML project is to build a software modeling tool and also platform that is a compelling replacement of commercial UML tools such as Rational Rose, Together etc.