Draw Judge

by SAT-BOX for Android 13.0

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Draw Judge: A Fun Drawing and Judging Game

Draw Judge is a free Android game developed by SAT-BOX. It falls under the games category and is a drawing and judging game. The game objective is to draw a picture based on a theme and compete with other players. You can select a category such as “Animals” or “Food” and use any color you like to draw the picture. Winners are determined by the judges’ decisions after three rounds.

Apart from drawing pictures, you can also judge other players’ drawings. You get to select the picture you like, and the winning picture is decided by the other judges’ decisions. The game is simple, fun, and entertaining, and you can aim for the top ranking by drawing lots of pictures.

Overall, Draw Judge is a great game to play if you enjoy drawing and judging pictures. It is easy to use and navigate, and the categories ensure that you can draw pictures based on your interests. Download Draw Judge for free on your Android device and start drawing and judging today!