Doha Metro Guide APK

by Wm Dev Technology for Android 8.0

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Commuter guide app for Doha

Doha Metro Guide is a free travel and navigation application for mobile coming from developer Wm Dev Technology. It is a handy guide that provides users with helpful information about the public transport system in Doha, Qatar. Commuters will know more about the railway line and its various rides, stops, and schedules.

Operating under the same concept as the likes of Ventra or Singabus, Doha Metro Guide helps users make sense of the local transportation system they ride for their daily commutes. What makes it different is that it’s made specifically to cater to commuters in Doha.

Get around easier

Doha is Qatar’s bustling capital city that boasts many luxuries, tourist attractions, and five-star experiences offered to travelers around the world. Its streets host various events and festivities, and it can be hard to figure out where to go first and how to get there. That’s why travel and commuting guide apps are handy, and Doha Metro Guide is one made specifically for the burgeoning metropolis.

This commuting guide app provides you with helpful information about the city’s railway system. With it, you’ll be able to know more about train stations near your location, specific routes, and even calculations for fares. It also features a map view that you can zoom in and out of to get a better overview of the path you’ll take and the surrounding areas along the way.

Another great thing about the application is that it features an offline mode that lets you plan your trips without needing an active internet connection available. It’s easy to navigate and use, but the overall design is a bit outdated and could use a nice refresh to offer a nicer experience and be more in alignment with modern app design guidelines.

Plan your next train ride

If you live or plan to visit Doha, its railway system is the fastest and most convenient way of getting around the city. With the Doha Metro Guide app, you’ll have an easier time familiarizing yourself with train routes and stops for your daily commutes. It could look a bit nicer, but aside from that, it gets the job done.