Recorder Fingering Chart APK

by AndroidAddict for Android 9.0

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Recorder Fingering Chart – A Must-Have for Recorder Players

Expert or beginner, “Recorder Fingering Chart” is an Android application that provides fingering charts for all types of recorder instruments, including flutes in C and flutes in F. The app comes with alternative fingerings, sound available for each note, and sound volume control. It offers both Baroque and German systems, and the drawing can be reversed to see the instrument as when you played it. The app has both Anglo-Saxon and European notation, making it accessible to a broader audience.

The best part of the app is that it is 100% free with all its features. You can also stop displaying advertisements for a small fee. Though it may not be the most visually appealing app in the market, it has been designed to be as small as possible, taking up less than 2 MB of space. With “Recorder Fingering Chart,” you can keep all the fingerings of the recorder with you, making it a must-have for recorder players.