Battery Optimization App

by Pandaky Apps for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by Pandaky Apps.

With Battery Optimization App, you can optimize the battery life of your Android phone by stopping apps running in the background. You can also use it to monitor the battery percentage on screen with a simple widget.

How to install it?

Download and install the app from Google Play. If you don’t know how to install an app from Play, just press the button “Install” on the main screen.

The app has very basic settings, controls, and functions. It is very helpful, but it is not very user-friendly. You will not be able to use it easily.

If you want to install it on your Android phone, you will need to find the option “WIDGET” on your phone’s home screen. Press the button “ADD” to add the widget.

Now, you will see the app on your home screen. Just press the button “WIDGET”.

You will see a simple widget that has a few options. You can choose the widget style and size.

You will also see the battery percentage on screen.