HiPER Calc

by HiPER Development Studio for Windows 2003

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A lightweight calculator with scientific functions

For most people, a standard calculator that can add, multiply, divide, and subtract would be more than enough to fulfill their needs. This is certainly not the case for people whose professions involve a lot of mathematics and calculations. For people like these, they’re going to need a calculator that has a lot more functions. The HiPer Calc by HiPer Development Studio is here to provide a solution to that need. It is a digital scientific calculator that has a lot of functions that most mathematicians will appreciate.

Functions… Literally

The HiPer Calc has a lot of features and functions that many ordinary calculators do not possess. Probably the most important is are the actual mathematical functions such as sine, cosine, and tangent functions. There are also buttons to compute for pi, add exponents, and more. One great thing about this calculator is the fact that you can assign the basic functions with hotkeys. This will make your computations so much easier and your workflow so much more efficient instead of having to click the buttons manually every time. In addition, the calculator has an incredibly useful feature for anyone not inclined to mathematics or need a refresher. A tooltip with explanations of all the major function buttons in the calculator appears whenever you hover over said buttons. Anyone who has ever looked at one of these fancy scientific calculators and became majorly confused can bid their confusion goodbye since all you have to do is hover over buttons to understand them.

About Aesthetics

When you first launch the program after installing it, its appearance is admittedly not very good. It has a black design that doesn’t fit into the small interface. You’ll actually find that some of the buttons cut off at the bottom. That said, you can change the theme as well as the orientation of the program. Keeping it in portrait mode simulates the look of a  real-life calculator a little better, but the landscape mode is easier to look at and use. Quite frankly, all of the other themes the program provides look a lot better than the default one. They look clean, stylish and simple. Thankfully, it doesn’t cost anything at all to replace the theme. My personal favorite is the Snowy Plain because it looks stylish and professional. Finally, the program does have some typographical errors. While this isn’t a deal breaker, it is a point against the professionalism of the program.

A Functional Calculator

Most people will probably find this calculator a bit overkill. Nobody needs all those functions and buttons. That said, if you ARE in need of said functions and buttons, the HiPer Calc is a lightweight calculator that provides those functions for you. It is highly customizable with a variety of appearance options. The tooltips when you hover is an understated feature that should be praised to the heavens due to how useful it is. I definitely recommend getting this calculator for anyone who will perform more complex computations.

Perform scientific calculations with arbitrary precision in portrait, landscape or expanded mode.

Scientific calculator for Windows and Android. To download Android version go to Google Play.

Calculator features are:

– up to a hundred decimal places and 9 digits of exponent

– landscape, portrait and expanded window format

– several graphical themes

– basic operation including percentage, modulo, negation

– unlimited number of braces

– operator priority

– repeated operations

– advanced number operation such as random numbers, combinations, permutations, common greatest divisor, …

– goniometric and hyperbolic functions

– powers, roots, logarithms, …

– degrees, minutes and seconds conversion

– fixed point, scientific and engineering display format

– display exponent as SI units prefix

– mixed and improper fractions

– periodic numbers and their conversion to fractions

– memory operations with 10 extended memories

– clipboard operations

– most functions accessible through hot-keys

– tool tips with clear description of functions

– result history

– binary, octal and hexadecimal numeral systems

– logical operations and bitwise shifts

– fundamental physical constants

– “always on top” view

Calculator has many settings to manage display numbers precision, full screen mode, decimal and thousand separators etc.

Current roadmap is to implement statistical functions, complex numbers, expression evaluation, graphs and many more…

If you have any questions, requests for new functionality or you have found a bug, please, contact us by email: [email protected]