Web Phone Number Extractor

by Ahmad Software Technologies for Windows 8

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An effective web crawler to find phone numbers for you

It can be a bit tiring to go to websites one by one just to look for phone numbers. This is especially the case if the websites that you have to go through numbers in the hundreds or even thousands. Fortunately, there is no need for you to go through websites individually. There are a good number of phone number extractors on the Internet. These programs are meant for crawling the Internet for phone numbers and compiling them into documents. The Web Phone Number Extractor by Ahmad Software Technologies can do all of that and more. 

Complicated Interface

Although the installation process of the Web Phone Number Extractor was quick and easy, the first thing people will notice is the complicated interface of the software. Well, that’s not necessarily true. Upon first glance, the interface of the software seems really confusing because of all the buttons, windows, and panels. Add to that the fact that there are a lot of terms that most people probably don’t use on a daily basis. That said, once you get a really good look at it, it doesn’t seem that complicated at all. 

At the top of the screen are three windows. The first window is where users can select the search engines where the software will crawl for phone numbers. The second window is where users will enter keywords to filter and limit the websites they will search through. Finally, there’s a window where users can see all of the keywords that they’ve inputted. Below this, there are several buttons that the users can use for easier convenience such as Search Now, Settings, Save, Filter, Clear Grid, Activate Full Version, Clear History, Help, About, and Quit. Finally, there’s the window where all of the phone numbers that have been taken will be listed.

Functional but Slow

The Web Phone Number Extractor is undoubtedly a functional program. Extracting phone numbers from web pages is a pretty easy process. Just select the search engines that you need and add keywords to filter your search. After that, just click Search Now and the Web Phone Number Extractor will start crawling the internet for phone numbers. 

One major problematic thing about this program is the fact that it tends to be really slow at crawling. It’s not such a big deal since crawling for phone numbers is a very tedious and long process, but it would be nice if the process was conducted a little faster.

Some Good Features

Probably the best thing about the Web Phone Number Extractor is the fact that you can customize your web search to be as specific or general as you want it to. You can choose to add filters based on countries or website type. It’s a great way of making sure that the phone numbers you get are relevant and up-to-date.

Great Software With Few Limitations

There’s not a lot of negative points about the Web Phone Number Extractor. It does exactly what it says it will do and it gets it done in an efficient and organized way. Probably the only points against it is the cluttered interface and the slow crawl time. However, it’s still a solid program that performs its function well. It will definitely boost your productivity.

Cute Web Phone number Extractor is a very powerful and reliable tool to extract Phone numbers from Internet/WEB/URLs/Website

Extracts Phone Numbers from INTERNET,WEB,URLS through search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.

Web Phone Number Extractor has an option to extract Phone Numbers from files on your system.

Web Phone Number Extractor has FILTER option so that you can refine Phone Numbers Search result.

Web Phone Number Extractor has option to save in.xlsx, .CSV files (Opens in EXCEL), TAB delimited (.txt files) format opens in NOTEPAD.

Web Phone Number Extractor has easy-to-use, straightforward and user friendly user interface.

Phone Number Extractor automatically pause and resume on internet failure /resume during processing.

Process hundreds of Phone Numbers per second from several sources at once.