Automate your finances
Easily keep track of card debt with Tally. It is a free finance mobile app that works as an automated debt manager and installment calculator. The app will calculate your monthly credit card bills for you, preventing error or misunderstanding between you and your bank. It was created by California-based company, Tally Technologies, Inc., so you can expect this app to work in certain states and with selected banks in the USA.
Is the Tally app legit?
Scan your credit cards and asses your monthly payments on Tally. The credit calculator for mobile keeps your information safe through its secure SSL encryption. In addition, the information is not stored on your phone’s drive. Once it has calculated your dues, it will provide a line of credit along with a low annual percentage rate or APR. This will serve as the source of your monthly credit card bills.
The app makes it easier to pay dues since it manages all your credit cards as well as keep track of balances, interest rates, and due dates per card. It also has an auto-debit and auto-credit feature so your bills are automatically deducted from your card. This is an important tool in financial management as it helps you avoid overdraft fees, but you’ll need to have a FICO score of 660 or higher to avail the Tally credit.
Once you’ve created your Tally account, you will need to enter your credit card information. This will allow it to analyze your credit history and see if you qualify for its services. You’ll also need to provide images or scans of your invoices, receipts, and outstanding balances. You will receive an email that your account has been approved and you can start using the app. Now, you can use its services and cut costs through its low APR.
Manage your credit in a snap!
Tally: Manage & Pay Off Credit Card Debt Faster can stay true to its promise for users that have a good line of credit and have wise spending habits. The app automates your payments, creating a seamless flow of credit. In addition to having good credit, you will need to be in the United States and a client in a USA-based bank. International users can look for alternatives like Financisto