
by Literature and Latte for Mac OS X

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Excellent editor and project manager for writers

Scrivener is a project management and writing tool that aims to make you a better writer. Scrivener takes you through from idea to final draft.It helps you outline and structure your ideas, take notes, build storyboards and much more. There’s a handy theme tracker which allows you to track themes using keywords and it can also help you combine multiple scenes into a single text.

The developers claim that Scrivener is so good that it’s been enthusiastically adopted by best-selling novelists. You can believe it too because it’s clear to see how Scrivener can help you write a book far more logically and painlessly than trying to write on a blank canvas in Word for example.The corkboard view in particular is excellent at allowing you to pinpoint and categorize different scenes for chapters, scenarios, and concepts.

Although Scrivener takes a bit of getting used to, serious writers may find that it helps significantly improve the creative writing process.

Refinements and Changes–Mavericks Compatible Scrivener has been updated to be fully compatible with Mavericks, including support for tags when saving and exporting.Localisations The main interface has been translated into German, French and Spanish (other languages to come). By more…


  • Refinements and Changes–Mavericks Compatible Scrivener has been updated to be fully compatible with Mavericks, including support for tags when saving and exporting.Localisations The main interface has been translated into German, French and Spanish (other languages to come). By more…

Scrivener is a project management tool for writers. It won’t try to tell you how to write – it just makes all the tools you have scattered around your desk available in one application.

Focus on Writing

Scrivener provides access to the full power of the OS X text system – so you have total control over your text.

Add tables, bullet points and images and view your text however you want.


In Scrivener, every document is attached to a virtual index card onto which you can jot a synopsis.

Use the corkboard to shuffle these index cards around – which is instantly reflected in the structure of your draft.


The outliner is another way of viewing the synopses and meta-data of the documents in your project.

Restructure your work easily; get an overview of the project so far and what still needs to be done.

Refer to Research

No more switching between multiple applications just to refer to your research files!

You can keep all of your research right inside Scrivener.

Smile -You Have Snapshots

Never be afraid to make mistakes. Scrivener’s “snapshot” feature makes it easy to return to an earlier version of your text.

Full Screen -Evolved

Scrivener boasts the most advanced full screen editing mode out there. Fade the background in and out, choose the width of the “paper” and get writing.


Finished your masterpiece? Now it’s time to get it “out there”. Export to any major word processor, including Microsoft Word, Nisus Writer and Mellel.