Eight: Visiting card scanner APK

by Sansan Inc. for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by Sansan Inc..

Eight is a powerful card scanning app that makes it easy to capture contact information, create professional profiles, and generate powerful networking connections. The app also lets you easily find job openings, connect with potential employers, and stay in touch with the people you might want to work with.

How to use Eight

1. Connect your phone to your computer

2. Open the app and select “Start with paper and online business cards.”

3. Select your phone’s camera and capture the business card that you want to digitize

4. Use the business card template to create your profile

5. Add a photo of the card

6. Name the profile and add a contact link

7. Add other contacts

8. When you’re finished, click “Save.”

9. The business card is now in your profile and you can add it to your phone.