Movie Trivia – Quiz Puzzle APK

by Word Connect Games for Android 5.0

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Answer questions about classic films

Movie Trivia – Quiz Puzzle is a free app that gives the user a whole host of trivia questions about films. Film fans are catered to, no matter what their preferred genre is. The app presents its players with brainteasers based on a wide array of box office hits.

There is no shortage of quiz games themed around films, from Movie Trivia to MOVIE TRIVIA – Guess Logo Game. This app aims to compete in the crowded marketplace with the help of a slick presentation and straightforward interface.

Choose from thirteen genres

Movie Trivia – Quiz Puzzle opens by asking you to choose a genre. There are thirteen film categories in all: Action, Comedy, Cartoon/Animation, Sitcom/TV, Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Adventure, Crime, Western, Drama, and Thriller/Mystery. Choose one, and you will be taken to a set of relevant trivia questions.

25 seconds to answer

The player will be given 25 seconds to answer each question. The game is divided into “levels” with three questions each. If you complete six levels without giving a single wrong answer, then you will get boosted points. It is also possible to “erase” wrong answers and keep a winning streak by watching adverts.

A mixture of easy and tricky

The questions in Movie Trivia – Quiz Puzzle vary in terms of difficulty. Some are very easy, particularly the “name the film” questions: there are few players who would fail to identify an iconic film like Star Wars. Others are much more niche. For example, one of the Sci-Fi questions is, “How many toes does Yoda have?”

Best suited to team play

The best way to play Movie Trivia – Quiz Puzzle is as a team. With a group of friends sharing knowledge, it will be harder to get caught out with the trickier questions that pop up. When played solo, the more out-there teasers can get frustrating.