即時油耗 需藍牙 OBD II 讀取器
即時油耗 is an Android app developed by Little Fox Studio that allows users to calculate their fuel consumption in real-time. To achieve this, the user must have a Bluetooth OBD II reader. Since the software is still in the testing phase, it is not recommended for users without a Bluetooth OBD II reader to purchase one (which costs aroundTWD). It is suggested that those who already have a Bluetooth OBD II reader use the app instead. The app calculates fuel consumption based on the vehicle’s speed and mass airflow, assuming an air-fuel ratio of 14.7 and that the ECU will maintain a fixed air-fuel ratio. However, fuel consumption calculations for hybrid vehicles may not be accurate. The app’s limitations due to OBD II reader and Bluetooth transmission may cause some inaccuracies in the data. Despite this, the user can compare multiple trips to find fuel-saving tips. The app’s performance at high speeds appears to be abnormally fuel-efficient, and more user feedback is needed to confirm this.