Text Animator: Animated Name
Text Animator: Animated Name is a free Android application developed by Crazy Programmer under the Lifestyle category, specifically under Hobbies. It allows users to animate their names with multiple font and color options. The program also provides customization options for text size and stroke, as well as animation duration.
With Text Animator, users can add life to their name by selecting from various font and color options. The program also allows users to customize the size and stroke of their text, giving them full control over the final product. Additionally, users can choose the duration of their animation, allowing them to create unique, personalized animations that suit their individual preferences.
Overall, Text Animator is a fun and easy-to-use application for users looking to add a creative touch to their names. Its multiple font and color options, along with customization settings for text size, stroke, and animation duration, make it a versatile tool for anyone looking to create personalized animations.