Auto Cut-Out : Photo Cut – Paste Editor 2018 APK

by Video Mixer Video Editor for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by Video Mixer Video Editor.

This app is perfect for those looking to make a simple background change or for those who want to make a more complex change. It offers a simple and easy-to-use interface, letting you erase your photo’s background in seconds. It works on Android phones and tablets, and it’s compatible with both the cut and paste function. 

What is this app?

This is a simple background eraser and background changer. It lets you remove unwanted objects from your photos and change the background. It can remove unwanted objects like people, pets, or other things. It’s a perfect app to use for making a simple change to your photos or to remove unwanted objects from your photos.

How do I use it?

Select the image you want to change the background of. You can select the entire image or a portion of it.

Then, choose the new background you want to use and the eraser will erase the unwanted objects from the image.

You can erase the entire image or just a portion of it.