Image Resizer Compress Reduce Pic Resolution APK

by NNSolutionStudio for Android 9.0

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Free Image Resizer for Android: Image Resizer, Compress, Reduce Pic Resolution

Image Resizer, Compress, Reduce Pic Resolution is an Android app developed by NNSolutionStudio that helps users resize and compress their photos to reduce their size, dimension, and resolution. With this photo adjustment app, users can make any image lightweight for sharing or using on social media. The app is free to download and use.

The app is easy to use, with a simple interface that allows users to choose a photo from their gallery and select the desired dimension, resolution, or input their own desired size. The app also offers custom photo adjustments for any image, making it a smart picture resizer and pixel converter for all your photos from the gallery. With this app, users can quickly reduce the size of their images with the number of default photo resolution and sizes available. The photo resizer in Kb and pixels is the ultimate image compress, dimension, and resolution tool for Android users.