Pic Collage Maker Photo Editor

by TAKBIR for Android 13.0

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A free app for Android, by TAKBIR.

There are so many photo editing apps and photo collage maker apps on the Play Store but we haven’t found any good ones that combine everything you need. And we really think this app could be a good option for a lot of people. The main reason is that it has everything you need to create a cool photo collage.

The app has a simple interface that lets you create a collage in less than a minute. It’s super easy to use, with all the options you need to create a great collage.

The first thing you need to know is that you can select multiple images from your photo library and also from the app’s camera roll. The images you select will be added to the collage in the order they are displayed in the app.

You can also edit your photos before creating the collage. You can add text, apply different filters, and change the background. You can even add a theme if you want.

It’s also super easy to create a cool photo collage with a variety of layouts.