
by Shutterstock Inc. for Windows XP

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Access millions of royalty-free stock photos and stock footage

Shutterstock is a stock library of 30 million royalty-free stock photos, vector graphics, and illustrations, and 1 million video clips for license. Shutterstock is a two-sided marketplace that provides a digital platform for 40,000 photographers, designers, illustrators, and videographers to license images to customers in 150 countries. The site is available in 20 languages including French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Shutterstock allows customers to discover and licenses the perfect images, video, music, and editorial assets, as well as custom content tailored to a brand’s needs

Shutterstock has images for every project & plans for every budget while offering the best value on licensing images for your projects. You have access to a library of over 212 million photos, vectors, and illustrations. Each image counts as one download, regardless of the image, size, or format. Shutterstock offers a variety of plans for individuals, teams, and enterprise customers as well as creative editing and collaboration capabilities. The Shutterstock portfolio of brands includes Bigstock, Offset, PremiumBeat, Rex Features and Shutterstock Custom.

Only Shutterstock has the unparalleled combination of the freshest content, time-saving technology, and dedicated customer support to help users easily create their best work, all in one place. Customer have access to millions of images and videos, as well as a variety of search tools and filters to find the perfect royalty-free and ready to use asset.