Early Literacy

by SAHK.ITS for Android 13.0

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“Early Literacy” – A Comprehensive Chinese Language Learning App for Young Children

“Early Literacy” is a free educational game app developed by SAHK.ITS for Android users. The app offers different levels of literacy activities that help young children learn Chinese effectively and master literacy-related cognitive and perceptual skills. The app contains six themes, each with four parts, including theme videos, interactive literacy games, mysterious rewards, and an augmented reality game.

The app is designed for preschool children (K1-K3) and older children with a learning level approximate to K1-K3. The content is evidence-based and context-based, with characters chosen from the local curriculum. The app provides new functions, including an Augmented Reality (AR) game, a dashboard for viewing learning progress, and upload/download game data backup. Time limit setting is also available in the app.

The app offers 21 different types of games designed for each of the literacy-related cognitive and perceptual skills. The games are divided into basic (K1-K2 level) and advanced (K2-K3 level) games. The app also offers a mysterious clearance reward system that motivates children to play different games repeatedly, enhancing the effectiveness of learning. The app is a great tool to help young children learn Chinese and develop cognitive and perceptual skills in a fun and interactive way.